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Animated Logo

I originally drew the snake using Adobe Photoshop for a client in the past. I referenced a photo of their snake to copy the patterns just right. I made sure to include the cute smile the snake had on its forehead. Capturing little details like this really enhances the similarity between the real and drawn one. I always want my client to see their pet as much as they can in a fun new way A few months later I was tasked to animate the original drawing of their snake. I used the pattern tool to create the scales. I then put it into Adobe After Effects in order to animate it using the puppet and wiggle command for the eyes. 

Animated Transition

For this Twitch channel, I created a western-themed transition. This allows the user to use this screen in order to transfer from one screen to another. I drew the tumbleweeds you see digitally then imported them into After Effects.

Animated Emote


I animated this previous emote to show a comedic reference to ripped pants. I gave a little bounce to each of the letters in order for it to not be so stiff as the letters dropped down.

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